What happens at a Cursillo?
More than 3,000 Deaf cursillistas have experienced it, they can’t really explain it. It is even more impossible to explain it to someone who hasn’t experienced it. The apostles could not explain the experience of what happened to them on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came. Only the Holy Spirit knows for sure.
The Cursillo experience really starts on Thursday night and continues. until Sunday. The Cursillo helps people to understand what it means to follow Christ – and how to help each other follow Christ. Give a new meaning and encouragement to life. You will find many surprises, friendliness, warmth, and…the spirit of Jesus that you will see in one another. It is an awesome experience of God.
Who can come to the Cursillo?
The Deaf Cursillo geared for Active Catholic Deaf Adults
- Single and Married couples can come
- Non-Catholic Spouse of Catholic is welcome
- All presentations are in American Sign Language, with no voice interpreter
What are the goals for the Cursillo?
The Cursillo experience tries to help everyone:
- discover their own importance
- experience the presence and love of Jesus Christ
- realize the importance of being a Christian in today’s world
Are Cursillo people different?
The Cursillo is for people like you! People who are Catholic, have been attending Church and Mass, but are still searching for something more! The team for the Cursillo are people just like you who work together to prepare and lead the Cursillo.
Lay people and spiritual directors give talks in American Sign Language with discussions after each talk. Each speaker will share their spiritual journey with God.
After the Cursillo…
The Cursillo weekend is the beginning of a journey. The Cursillo experience helps us to journey toward God and spread God’s love to everyone (John 15: 9-17). The journey continues all our life! YES, the most important part of the Cursillo happens after the Cursillo is finished! You will go home spiritually refreshed!!
When is the Cursillo?
Participants arrive Thursday. evening June 20, 2024 at 4:30 pm and it will end on Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 3:00 pm in O’Dwyer Retreat House.
O’Dwyer Retreat House
Their website is at:
https:/www.msgrodwyer.org . It is in Sparks, Md. on 18 acres of land in a beautiful country setting . It provides a peaceful setting with conference rooms, meals and sleeping accommodations. We will send you directions to O’Dwyer Retreat House and a list of things to bring after we receive your registration form.
We will provide transportation from Baltimore Washington International Airport (Less than an hour drive to O’Dwyer Retreat House). Please arrive Baltimore before 3:00 pm. Please contact Sue at MdCursillo68@gmail.com for more information.
How much does it cost?
Cost is $275 per person. You will need to make $75 deposit now then pay $200 by April 12, 2024. The cost covers room and meal packages. If you need help paying for your trip, please contact your local ICDA chapter, your priest, pastoral worker or bishop.
How can I sign up?
Limit 30 new participants will be accepted to enter the Deaf Cursillo. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation notice, maps and other essential information. First Come. First Serve.
If you are interested, please fill out the candidate form and send with your $75 nonrefundable check: Money order or check payment to Deaf Cursillo #68 or zelle – mdcursillo68@gmail.com.