God made the first man and woman and wanted to give them all the food they needed because He loved them. Now God gives us the Holy Meal, the Mass, Holy Communion because He loves us.
God led His people from slavery in Egypt to freedom and began with a holy meal, the Passover. Today the Mass is the holy meal where we eat with Jesus and become truly free.
When God led his people out of slavery, he brought them to Mt. Sinai to enter a new relationship with them, a covenant. He did this by having a holy meal with his people. Now God enters a special relationship with us in the holy meal, the Mass.
Jesus came to be our food, why? We are all hungry. Hungry to know God, to know Jesus, to know God loves us and Jesus saves us. We are hungry for the food from heaven that will help us on our journey in life. Jesus is the food we need. He gives us that food in the Mass, Holy Communion.
Levi the tax collector found that Jesus accepts him as a friend. To celebrate Levi has a banquet with Jesus in the center. Today we have Jesus in the center of our banquet, the Mass, the Holy Meal when we come closer to Jesus.
Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan; he helped the Jewish man who was hurt. We receive Holy Communion in Mass and we become more like Jesus and care for all human persons.
Jesus gave food to thousands of people because they were hungry. Now in Mass, the Holy Meal, Jesus feeds all who are hungry for knowledge and for His Body and Blood, the food we need to be good people today.
Jesus had His most important meal the night before He died. He gave His friends His Body and Blood. Now Jesus’s holy meal is the Mass. He gives us His Body and Blood at Mass. Now we are with Jesus at His Last Supper when we come to Mass.
Easter Sunday afternoon Jesus had a holy meal with two of his disciples. He gave them His Body and Blood to show them He was alive again. Jesus alive, risen from the dead, is with us in every Mass and again He gives us His Body and Blood.
Jesus gave His people His Body and Blood at the Last Supper. Today Jesus gives us His Body and Blood in the Mass. Why? He wants a deeper relationship with us.