Bible Study

Bible Study

Exodus Part 7: Pharaoh refuses to let God’s people go free. More plagues show the Lord is more powerful than any human king.

Exodus Part 6: God wants to save His people from slavery. Moses goes to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, to let the people go. Pharaoh refuses. God shows He is more powerful by sending plagues against Pharaoh.

Moses goes back to Egypt. He tells the king, Pharaoh, that God wants His people to go into the desert to worship the Lord. Pharaoh refuses.

God calls Moses to lead God’s people out of slavery to freedom.

Because Moses wants justice for the Hebrew (Israelite) people, he first must run away and begin life in a foreign country. (Exodus 2: 11 – 22)

God prepares Moses to be the future leader of His people, so they can escape from Egypt and be free. Moses is saved from death by Hebrew and Egyptian women. (Exodus 2: 1 – 10)

In the Bible the Book of Exodus tells us the story of the beginning of God’s people. God sees the Israelite (Hebrew) people suffering in Egypt. He decides to save them and make them His own people.

When we study the Bible, we need to open our minds and hearts to know what God wants to communicate to us. Ask the Holy Spirit to understand everything God wants to tell us.

The Bible is very important for us Catholics. We read four parts of the Bible in every Mass. Jesus feeds us with His truth in the Bible the same as Jesus feeds us with His life in Holy Communion.

The Bible is a library of books. The Bible explains our relationship with God. We study the Bible with honor and wonder because it amazes us that God wants to communicate with us. Not to know the Bible means not to know Jesus.

The Bible is the story of the covenant, the personal relationship of God with his people in the past and now.

God does not want to hide from us. The stories in the Bible show us who God is.