Bible and Sermon

Bible and Sermon

Meeting the Lord can make us feel afraid. But trust Him when He asks you to do His will. The Lord will always be with you. (February 6, 2022)

To bless a new husband and wife, Jesus comes to the celebration in Cana. The wine for the party runs out. Mary asks Jesus to help. Jesus changes water into wine. (January 16, 2022)

Be happy! The Lord is near. He loves you. He comes to save you. This is the good news of Christmas! (December 12, 2021)

Be happy! The Lord is with His people, with us to save us. He sent John the Baptist to tell the people to be ready for the coming of the Lord. (December 5, 2021)

Now we begin the time of Advent; we prepare to celebrate the coming of the Lord. Be ready! (November 28, 2021)

Jesus Christ is our King hanging on the cross. To say Jesus is our King means He is the most important person in our lives; we want to follow His way. (November 21, 2021)

Be ready! The end is coming: the end of the world, but we do not know when it will end. Your end, your death is coming. But Jesus is Lord and Ruler of everything. Do not be afraid. (November 13, 2021)

Jesus tells a story to show that, in the Kingdom, God is very generous. Always be thankful to Him!

Knowing God is true wisdom and is better than being rich. The rich man walks away from Jesus. (October 9, 2021)

Jesus came to serve and give His life. He knows human life is beautiful and Jesus knows sometimes human life can be very hard. Jesus understands our life fully. (October 17, 2021)

Strong families are very important. A man and a woman marry and become fully united; no one can separate them. Children need a strong united family to grow. (October 3, 2021)

We are all hungry–for knowing the purpose of our lives, for meaning, for truth, for life, for God. Jesus only can give us the food that satisfies us. This food is Jesus Himself. He feeds us with His teaching. He give us His life. He gives us His person, His body in Holy Communion. (August 7, 2021)

In the Old Testament, God gave His people bread during their journey in the desert. Now in our journey through life Jesus gives us the true bread from heaven. The true bread from heaven is Jesus Himself, given to us in Holy Communion. (August 1, 2021)

Jesus is the Good shepherd caring for all people, teaching them the ways of God, His Father, and bring people together. (July 18, 2021)

Before the time of Jesus, God called the prophets to preach the word of God. Jesus calls His followers to copy Him and His work–encourage people to change their lives, heal troubled people, cure sick people. (July 10, 2021)

God controls the sea and the wind. Jesus controls them too; He is God. Jesus becomes tired and needs to sleep; like us He is human. (June 20, 2021)

Jesus gives us His Body and Blood in Holy Communion to have a deeper and closer relationship with us. (June 6, 2021)

Jesus, risen from the dead, gives us His Holy Spirit, His breath of life. In John’s Gospel, He gives us the Holy Spirit on Easter. In the Acts of the Apostles, He gives us the Holy Spirit 50 days after Easter on Pentecost. (May 22, 2021)

Jesus is now gloriously alive. He wants to be with us; He wants to live in us. To live in us, He becomes food in Holy Communion. Receiving Holy Communion means Jesus comes into us and rests close to our heart. (May 16, 2021)

Because He rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, Jesus is now gloriously alive! Joined to Jesus, we can live too! Jesus stays in us so we can stay in Jesus. (May 2, 2021)

Jesus is the Good Shepherd caring for us always. He knows us, and He gives His life for us. (April 24, 2021)

On Easter Jesus rose to new glorious life. Listen to him; then you will know Him and can tell others about Him. (April 18, 2021)

On this fifth Sunday of Lent Jesus is preparing to die so that the hearts of all people can accept a new relationship with his Father and be saved. (March 21, 2021)

On the 3rd Sunday of Lent we ask: Where do you find God? In the Temple, in the world of nature, in each human person, in Jesus. God is everywhere. We must look for him. (March 7, 2021)

On this second Sunday of Lent, His three followers see the heavenly glory of Jesus. The voice of God says, “Listen to Him!” (February 27, 2021)

The first Sunday of Lent calls us to change our lives and believe in the good news of Jesus Christ. (February 21, 2021)

God sends us a prophet, Jesus, to teach us, to be with us, to heal us, to be in us in his holy food, Holy Communion. (January 30, 2021)

The Lord called Jonah to preach the Lord’s word to non-Jews. Jesus calls disciples to preach God’s Good News to all the people of the world. (January 24, 2021)

The Kings, the Magi, come to honor the child Jesus. This celebration is called the Epiphany; it means Jesus shows Himself to be the savior for all people in the world. (January 3, 2021)

Christmas: In Bethlehem in the land of Israel, the Son of God was born for us, Jesus Christ the Lord. (December, 2020)

Third Sunday of Advent. Be happy! The Lord is coming. He sends people to tell us the Lord has a very strong desire to be with us. He sends the prophet, John the Baptist, Mary the Mother of Jesus as Our Lady of Guadalupe. (December 12, 2020)

The Lord wants to be with us. He can come when we feel broken and empty inside. Let the Lord into your heart. (December 6, 2020)

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. The Lord is coming. We must always be ready. We must stay awake and watch. We do not know when He is coming. (November 29, 2020)

How can we be holy? Do everything with great love. When you pray, look into the eyes of Jesus and see Him looking at you with love. The Lord calls you to be close to Him. (October 4, 2020)

Jesus became a humble man and gave His life on the cross to save sinners. Be humble like Him. Then you can share life in heaven with Him forever. (September 26, 2020)

God calls you to work for Him. He blesses you. Thank God. Help others to have good lives. (September 20, 2020)

God the Father forgives us our sins. Now we must forgive the people who hurt us. (September 13, 2020)

We must be responsible for each other, care for each other, help each other and love each other. (September 6, 2020)

Serving the Lord is not always easy. To follow Jesus we must be willing to suffer with Jesus. Then we will receive the reward of life in heaven. (August 29, 2020)

The Lord picks the leaders for His holy people. Peter will lead His Church community after the resurrection. (August 23, 2020)

The Lord loves all people. He is preparing a place for all in heaven. First, He brought Mary His mother, body and soul, into heaven. (August 16, 2020)

The Lord can come to us in times of peace and quiet. The Lord can come to us in hard times when things are going wrong and we feel lost and confused. (August 9, 2020; August 12, 2017)

Welcoming others and serving them are important. Sitting and listening to the Lord are also very important. (July 21, 2019)

The Word of God is powerful because the Lord is just and kind. He helps us in our weakness. As the farmer spreads seed for a good harvest, we are confident the Kingdom of God will spread and accomplish God’s will. (July 19, 2020/July 22, 2017)

The Word of God is powerful. It will spread and accomplish great things. (July 12, 2020/July 16, 2017)

Jesus calls us to know Him, learn from Him, rest in Him.

Following Jesus is always a challenge. We must be generous like Him. We must die with Him; then we can live with Him forever.

Jesus sends his followers to tell all people that the Kingdom of God is near. St. Paul says that he is very proud of the cross of Jesus because the cross saves us.

In the Old Testament the Lord called men and women to speak the Lord’s words to the people. Now Jesus calls women and men to do His work. It is not always easy, but the Lord gives strength and courage to all who are willing to follow His call.

Jesus does not want to leave us. At the Last Supper on the night before He died, He gave His followers, us, His Body and Blood. Now Jesus gives us His Body and Blood in the Mass in Holy Communion. Jesus wants to stay with us always. He wants to give us Himself, as holy food, so we can be strong and faithful for our journey to eternity, to heaven. (June 3, 2018)

Celebration of the Trinity: God the Father, Jesus the Son of God, God the Holy Spirit. (May 27, 2018)

On Easter Sunday afternoon Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to his closest followers. Fifty days later on Pentecost the Holy Spirit came to all the followers of Jesus, and the Church, the community of Jesus, began to spread around the world.

Jesus prays that we all will be united. We are united because Jesus gives us His body and blood in Holy Communion. Today a member of our Catholic Deaf community receives Holy Communion for the first time. To see other pictures of the day, click here.

The Holy Spirit brings peace to the individual and to the community.

At His Last Supper with His closest friends, Jesus gives a new commandment: Love others as He has loved us.

Today we celebrate Jesus the Good Shepherd who cares for all His children. This is the fourth Sunday of Easter. Today Jesus embraces four children in Baptism.

St. Paul says: We are brave; we want to be home with the Lord.  Jesus teaches that the seed of Truth grows quietly but strongly.

June 17, 2018

Isaiah says God saves us; Jesus forgives the sinner. 

April 7, 2019

We are new persons in Christ.  Jesus tells the story of the Prodigal. 

March 30, 2019

God calls Moses; Jesus says, “You must repent and change.”

March 23, 2019

God promises; Jesus in glory. 

March 17, 2019

God frees his people; Jesus is tempted.

March 9, 2019

Sin; Satan; the True Family of Jesus.  

June 9, 2018

Celebration of the Body and Blood of Jesus. 

June 3, 2018

Jesus is coming. 

December 17, 2018

The Trinity, God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

May 27, 2018

Jesus is vine; we are the branches.

April 28, 2018

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. 

April 21, 2018

Easter Sunday, Jesus visits his followers.   

April 15, 2018

Second Sunday of Easter