Gospel Advent 3 B

A reading from the holy Gospel according to John.         Jn. 6:1-8,19-28.

God sent a man named John.  John came as a witness, to tell people about the light (Jesus), so that all will believe in him.  John himself was not the light, only a witness to speak about the light (Jesus).

This is how John appeared as a witness.  The Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask, “Who are you?”  John said openly, “I am not the Christ.”  They asked, “Are you Elijah?”  John said, “No, I am not Elijah.”  They asked, “Are you the prophet?”  John said, “No.”  So they said to him, “Who are you?  Tell us because we have to go back and tell our leaders who you are.  What do you say about yourself?” 

So John said, “As (same) Isaiah said: I am the voice of a person in the desert shouting: ‘Make a straight path for the Lord.'”  These Jews were sent by the Pharisees and they asked more questions, “If you are not the Christ, not Elijah, and not the prophet, then why are you baptizing the people?”  John replied, “I baptize with water; but there is a person here, one that you don’t know, he will come after me, I am not good enough to take off his sandals.” 

This happened in Bethany on the other side of the river Jordan, the    place that John was baptizing.

The Gospel of the Lord.


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