Sermons from October 2020
Sunday Ordinary Time 30 A
Jesus tells us the most important commandments. [To see the words of the gospel, click here.] The first one, Love God, how? With full heart, full mind, full strength. The Jewish people had the same idea. They agree that this is the first commandment. For the second commandment you have to look around in the Bible to find it: “Love other people the same as you love yourself.” Jesus is the first person to join those two commandments to become…
Sunday Ordinary Time 29 A
That is a very interesting story from Jesus. [To see the words of the gospel, click here.] The enemies of Jesus go up to trap Jesus. Who are they? Two groups: one group is from Pharisees, the leaders of the Jewish people; the other group is from King Herod. The two of them are opposite to each other, but both of them come together. Why? Because they both see Jesus is a challenge. The religious leaders saw Jesus wanted to…
Sunday Ordinary Time 28 A
On this Sunday, Jesus tells us the story of a banquet. [To see the words of the gospel, click here.] A king is celebrating the wedding of his son. Some people refuse to come; others are welcome. Many times Jesus used banquets and dinners to teach us something. Eating with Jesus changes us. We are with Jesus right now in the Eucharist. When we come together at Mass, He is with us. So, here are some of the examples when…
Sunday Ordinary Time 27 A
Last Thursday October 1 we honored a special saint, Saint Therese. Sometimes she is called The Little Flower. She seemed to live a very simple quiet life in a convent. She died in 1897 at the age of 24. But she left us a beautiful book, the story of her spiritual journey, a story about how to be a holy person, how to come closer to Christ and become more and more like Him. Her idea is very simple. The…