Gospel Advent 2 B

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark.  Mk. 1:1-8.

This is the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 

It is written in the scroll of Isaiah.  He, the prophet Isaiah wrote: God said, “Look, I will send my messenger (John) before you (Jesus),  He will prepare the way for you.  Some one in the desert will shout and say: ‘Prepare the way for the Lord.  Make his path straight.'”

So, John the Baptist appeared in the desert.  He preached and told the people to be baptized and to repent for the forgiveness of their sins.  All the people from Judea and Jerusalem went to listen to John.  They confessed their sins and John baptized them in the river Jordan. 

John wore clothes made from camel’s skin, and his food was locusts and wild honey.

John preached to the people and said: “One person is coming, that person is more powerful than I.  I am not good enough to kneel and take off his sandals.  I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

This is the Gospel of the Lord.


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