Gospel Sunday 12 A

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.  Mt 10: 26 – 33

Jesus taught the twelve apostles:  “Do not be afraid.  Everything that is hidden will be shown.  Everything that is secret will be open to all.  The things I tell you in the dark, you will tell to all people in the daylight.  The things that I tell you as private, you will announce standing on top of the house, for all people to see.

Do not be afraid of those that can kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Better fear God because he can destroy both body and soul in hell.  You can buy two birds for a penny.  But not one bird can die without your Father knowing.  God knows how many hairs you have on your head.  So, do not be afraid, because you are worth much more than hundreds of birds.

If any person stands in front of other people and proclaims belief in me, then I will do the same and stand in front of my Father in heaven and tell my Father that this person belongs to me.  But if any person stands in front of other people and rejects me, then I will do the same and stand in front of my Father in heaven, and tell my Father that this person does not belong to me.  

The Gospel of the Lord


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