A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew. Mt. 10: 37 – 42
Jesus taught the twelve apostles: “Any person that loves father or mother more than me is not good enough to follow me. Any person that loves son or daughter more than me is not good enough to follow me. Any person that will not carry the cross and follow me is not good enough for me. Any person that wants to keep their own life will lose it (life). Any person that gives up life for me will find true life.
Any person that welcomes you also welcomes me. Those that welcome me also welcome the Father that sent me.
Any person that welcomes a prophet and accepts the prophet will receive the same reward that a prophet receives. Any person that welcomes a holy person and accepts the holy person will receive the same reward that a holy person receives.
I tell you the truth if anyone gives a cup of cold water to these little children because they want to become my disciples, that person will truly receive a reward.”
This is the Gospel of the Lord