Gospel Sunday 28 A

Reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.    Matthew 22:1-14

Jesus said to the chief priests and Jewish leaders, “The kingdom of heaven is like a king preparing a wedding feast for his son.  The king sent his servants to bring all the people that were invited to the wedding.  But the people would not come.  So the king sent some more servants.  The king said to the servants, ‘Tell all the people I have invited.  My feast is ready.  I killed my best bull and calves.  Everything is ready.  Come to the wedding celebration.’

The servants went and told the people to come, but they were not interested.  One person went to his farm, another person went to his business, and others grabbed the servants and beat them and killed them.  The king was furious.  He sent his soldiers to kill those murderers and burn their town.  Then the king said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready.  I invited those people but they were not worthy to come to my feast.  So now you go into the streets and invite anyone you see.’  So the servants went out and brought many people both good and bad.  The wedding hall was full of people.”

The Gospel of the Lord


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