Reading Pentecost

Reading Pentecost

A reading from the Acts of Apostles.                                            Acts 2:1-11

On Pentecost Day, all the apostles were sitting together in one room.  Suddenly they heard a noise from the sky.   It sounded like a strong wind blowing and it filled the whole house.  Something appeared like tongues of fire which spread and came to each apostle’s head.  All the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit.  They began to speak strange languages because the Spirit gave them the gift of languages.

There were holy people living in Jerusalem.  They came from every country in the world.  When they heard this noise they came together and were all surprised, because each one heard the apostle speaking their own language.  They were surprised and said, “These men are from Galilee, but we come from different places; Asia, Judaea, Egypt, Libya, Cyprus, Rome, Jews, converts, Arabs.  We hear them speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things of God.”

The word of the Lord.


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