A reading from the Book of the Prophet ISAIAH. Is. 63:16b-17. 64:2-7.
Lord, you are our Father, our Savior is your name forever.
Lord, why did you allow us to loose our way? Why did you allow our hearts to become hard against you? Come back to us Lord; we are your servants. Come back to us because we belong to you.
Rip open the sky and come down to earth, and the mountains will tremble (shake) at your presence. People never listened to you. People have never seen a God like you.
You work for those that trust you. Sincere (honest) people that do good, You guide them. But we sinned and you were angry. We rebelled (turned) against you. We became a people corrupted (destroyed); our goodness gone. We were like people with dirty clothes. We became like leaves, dead and blown away. Because of our sins the wind blew us away.
No one turned to you in prayer. No one asked for your help. You hid your face from us, you left us in our sins.
But you Lord, you are our Father. We are like clay in your hands, and you are the potter (pot-maker). Your hands created (made) us.
This is the word of the Lord