A reading from first Book of Kings. 1 Kings 3: 5, 7-12
In Gibeon, Solomon was asleep dreaming. In Solomon’s dream, the Lord appeared. God said, “What would you like me to give you?” Solomon answered, “Lord you have made me king to follow my father, David. But I am a very young man, and I don’t know how to rule as a good leader. I am your servant, and I am here with the people that you chose. There are so many people impossible to count. Give me the wisdom so that I will know how to judge between good and evil. Without your wisdom, it will be impossible to rule your people.”
The Lord was pleased with Solomon, and said to him, “You did not ask for long life yourself. You did not ask for riches for yourself or to win over your enemies. But you asked for wisdom to make the right decisions. So now I give you the wisdom that you asked for. No one in the past has had this wisdom and understanding like you, and in the future no one will have wisdom the same as you.
The word of the Lord